Thursday, August 4, 2011


Vacations are great but they are alot of work.  We will be heading home in the early morning hours from Panama City Beach, Florida back to good old Allen Park, Michigan.  I wish I could put rockets on the van to make it move quicker so it won't take 16-18 hours.  But while we are in the van I will be working on my 4 rounds of card swaps and the new Idea Bookplates.  Are you ready for yours????? 

Speaking of vacations, the layout for August at Biggby will be a vacation inspired one.  Please make sure you are sign up and prepaid by Monday, August 15 and class will be on Thursday, Aug. 18th.  Supplies you will need to bring to class will be: scissors, adhesive, foam tape, colored pencils, and a brayer (if you have one).  See you in class.

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