Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fun and Friends

    Today I met with my two newest members to join my team...Keep Those Scissors Flying team.  We got together to learn about how to place an order, the family website, their new websites and newsletters.  We shared some great laughs and plans for the future time when we are together.  I am already lovin' these to great consultants.

Busy making a team project
 We also made a great project!  Our project was a post-it note acrylic frame holder.  Emily used Cruisin', Stephanie used Footloose, and I used Stella.  We also used the April stamp of the month.  Didn't they do a great job on their project?

Post-it Note Acrylic frame holder

Stephanie joined on March 16th and is already planning her first gathering.  I am sure it will be super success.

Emily joined on March 20th and has already made her first level of Straight to the top.  She earned $25 in free spending from Close to My Heart.

Again let me know if I can help you become a consultant, whether you just want the discount or you want to make some extra money for any reason.  I would love for you to be a part of my team!!!!!!!

Hugs, Holly


  1. Welcome ladies!!! I know u will have lots of fun learning ideas and wonderful projects from an awesome leader! Good Luck to both of you in your new adventure.

    1. Thanks Patti for the encouragement. They are wonderful ladies to have on my team.
