Saturday, November 26, 2011

    I have been super busy all weekend long getting the Christmas decorations up in the house.  Yesterday my mom, son, and I went to the Festival of the Trees in Dearborn.  There were some very pretty trees this year.  I enjoy going so I can get inspired to decorate my tree differently each year.  Here is the Cat in the Hat tree.  It was super cute!

This year I decided to not use ribbon on my tree but to add all kinds of floral pix at the top around my star.  I am quite happy with the results.  My tree is very traditional in colors: red, green, white, and gold.  My ornaments are stars, holly, santas, snowmen, and the snowflakes.
Do you do the same things on your tree year after year or do you change it up from time to time?  What colors are on your tree?  Let me know what you think.

On a separate note, your newsletters will be emailed on Monday to your inboxes.  It is filled with December and January classes and specials.  If you are interested in getting the newsletter email me.

Hugs, Holly

1 comment:

  1. I did theme trees - motorcycle tree, disney tree, winter tree, green & red tree, blue & silver tree, mixed ornament tree, gold tree, silver tree ... your tree is awesome!!!
