Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rock the Block all done up!!!

      The Papercrafting special from Close to My Heart is so incredible!  Have you watched the video from the corporate office and thought, "I'm still not sure what to do with the blocks."  Well, I have finished my set and photographed them for you.  Here is what I came up with.

These were really fun to make.  Remember when you place an order for just $25.00 from the Fall/Winter Idea Book you will get the blocks and an excellent "E" size stamp set for just an extra $15.00.

This special will continue until January 31, 2012.  So don't delay, get yours today!!!!!!!

Hugs, Holly

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

    I would love to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year!  With these two days being filled with family and friends, I am ever so grateful.  Traditions in our family are priceless.  We go to the children's mass for 4:00 and then head over to my Aunt and Uncle's house for the traditional Italian fish dinner.  Then all of the kids open their presents.  We of course eat way to much and just sit to visit with each other.  Tomorrow morning usually starts early with a visit from Santa and breakfast with my parents and father-in-law.  Then head back over to my Aunt and Uncle's house again for a super yummy pasta dish.  Remember to take pictures and preserve the moments so they don't become lost memories. 

   Just wanted to give you an update, your January newsletter will be emailed out on Tuesday or Wednesday.  So watch your inbox for it.  There are 2 coupons at the end for anyone interested in hosting a gathering in January or Februay.  When will you be booking your next gathering with friends and family?

Hugs, Holly

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Just one week till Christmas, I can't believe it.  There is so much to get done before Saturday evening.  The traditions of having fish for dinner on Christmas Eve and some type of pasta on Christmas.  But before I can enjoy those yummy dinners, I need to get other Christmas chores done:
1. Mail the Christmas Cards
2. Finish shopping
3. Wrap the presents
4. Make my 'holly wreath" cookies
5. Plan Christmas morning breakfast

What are some of your Christmas traditions and chores before the traditions can begin?  The 5th. person who tells me their Christmas traditions I will have a surprise for you.
Hugs, Holly

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Buttoned Up Card Set: Project Inspiration Autumn/Winter 2011 Idea Book

These are so much fun! What will your cards look like? I will post one more idea for you later in the week.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Holiday Tags Assortment: Project Inspiration Autumn/Winter 2011 Idea Book

This is so awesome. Make sure you ask Santa for your own Cricut Art Philosophy cartridge. I can help Santa get it for you.